This work using Marvel's Developer API began after similar work on HBO's Game of Thrones, Netflix's Stranger Things, and Amazon's The Man in the High Castle. I was curious whether I could use Marvel's API to prove that Deadpool isn't part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This is a playground for that idea and others. Note: the page may take a moment to load since it's loading each visualization.

Is Deadpool part of the MCU?

No. No he is not.

This matrix shows film character co-occurrences (two characters showing up in the same film) clustered by their main series to distinguish the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers, et al - upper left macro-cluster), the Earth-10005 Universe (X-Men - middle macro-cluster), and the Marvel TV Series on Netflix (The Defenders - bottom right macro-cluster). Tying them all together: Stan Lee is the only overlap between the MCU and Earth-10005!

Marvel MCU and Neflix data from and additional data based on

Based on Mike Bostock's Les Misérables co-occurrence matrix diagram. View in a new tab or click to view live version.

Which top characters are in comics together?

This matrix looks at comic book character co-occurrences (two characters showing up in the same comic) across the history of Marvel Comics. This visualization includes just the Top 100 characters based on overall appearances, and you can explore co-occurrences in comics, series, and stories.

Note: I've intentionally not shared the cached data pulled from Marvel Developer, only the directed graph data to build this visualization.

Based on Mike Bostock's Les Misérables co-occurrence matrix diagram. View in a new tab or click to view live version.

... or as a chord diagram?

This chord diagram looks at comic book character co-occurrences (two characters showing up in the same comic) across the history of Marvel Comics. This visualization includes the Top 100 characters based on overall appearances, the same data as above, just in a different representation, and you can explore co-occurrences in comics, series, and stories.

Based on HenryLau's chord diagram on JSFiddle. View in a new tab or click to view live version.

Of all characters, which are in comics together?

Looking at (14912-1491)/2 = 1,110,795 comic book character co-occurrences (two characters showing up in the same comic) across the history of Marvel Comics. A subset of this visualization - just the Top 100 characters - can be viewed above.

Data provided by Marvel © 2018 via Marvel Developer.

Please be patient while this one loads... It might take a minute or two: view in a new tab.

Note: I've intentionally not shared the cached data pulled from Marvel Developer, only the directed graph data to build this visualization.


The GitHub repository for this project has the data files used to make these visualizations. Code for each is also on GitHub, and a description of the project is on Medium. Comments and suggestions are welcome on GitHub, Medium, or here.

h/t to Jason Davies for the clean style of this page.