→ Game of Thrones
The Lands of Ice and Fire
This work on HBO's Game of Thrones started it all. I was curious whether I could visualize the various narrative threads woven throughout the Game of Thrones HBO series; to do that, I had to create a custom dataset with episode and scene metadata, character data, and more. I've written about this project's background, initial thoughts, early work, and subsequent work on Medium:
This is a playground for that idea and others.
Note: click on any visualization to view the live version or open it in a new tab.
So that map?
The narrative chart started this project for Game of Thrones.
Narrative chart
Scroll down and right. Hover over the map to view character journeys, episode names, and more. Note: map contains spoilers.
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How many people are in every location?
Scroll down and right. Hover for a character count. Inspired by Hubble Image of Galaxy Cluster Converted Into Sound.
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Other Interfaces
In addition to the Narrative Chart visualization, I've also made two other interfaces for exploring datasets that are part of this project.
Episode Recap Viewer
A compilation of several of the visualizations below, where data is filtered by episode. Choose an episode to explore how characters accumulate screen time, the locations shown in the episode, wordcount distributions, the opening sequence locations, and more.
Game of Thrones Script Search
Search across all dialogue spoken throughout Game of Thrones. Search for text, phrases (in quotes), characters, or languages (e.g. Dothraki or High Valyrian).
Screen Time
Some of the easiest things to visualize are representations of when characters are on screen and where those characters are.
When are characters are on screen?
Scroll down and right and hover.
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Where do scenes take place?
Scroll right and hover.
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More specifically, where do scenes take place?
Scroll down and right and hover.
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When are "special" scenes?
Scroll right and hover.
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When do people die?
Scroll right and hover to see who killed whom and how they died.
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When do weapons show up?
Scroll right and hover.
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Which Houses are on screen?
Scroll right and hover.
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How many characters are on screen?
Scroll right or hover over a bar.
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What about continuous on screen time?
Scroll right or hover over a circle. Circles are color-coded by house.
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Cumulative Time
It's also fairly trivial to count how long characters are on screen (in total, by season, or per episode), how long they spend in certain locations, or the number of locations and time spent in each per episode.
How long are characters on screen?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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How long are characters in each season?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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How long are characters in each episode?
Choose the character you'd like to show. Based on Harry Stevens's Linear Regression for Scatter Plot.
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How long is spent in each location?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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How long is spent in each more-specific location?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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What percentage of characters' time is in each season?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Mike Bostock's Normalized Stacked Bar Chart.
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How long are characters on screen relative to all time?
Hover. Based on takayuki's Treemap in d3 v4.
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How long are Houses on screen?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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What percentage of time do characters spend in various locations?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Mike Bostock's Normalized Stacked Bar Chart.
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How many locations are in each episode?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the gender balance of screen time per season?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the gender balance of screen time per episode?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the percent gender balance of screen time per episode?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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Wordcount & Language
How many words do characters speak?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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How many words do characters speak in each season?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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How many words do characters in each House speak?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the gender balance of words spoken per season?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the gender balance of words spoken per episode?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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What's the percent gender balance of words spoken per episode?
Scroll right or hover. Based on wpoely86's Diverging Stacked Bar Chart.
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What languages do characters speak?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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What languages are spoken in each episode?
Scroll down and right or hover. Based on Andrew Reid's Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart.
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Which characters are on screen together?
Hover. Based on Mike Bostock's Les Misérables Co-occurrence.
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... or as a force-directed network?
Hover and drag. Based on heybignick's d3 v4 force-directed graph.
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... or as a chord diagram?
This chord diagram looks at character co-occurrences (two characters showing up in the same scene) across the show, the same data as above, just in a different representation.
Scroll down and right and hover. Based on HenryLau's chord diagram on JSFiddle.
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Which characters are connected?
Hover and drag. Parent-child (solid gray), spouse (dashed blue), and killed by (solid black arrow) relationships shown. Based on Mike Bostock's Labeled Force Layout.
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Which characters are connected?
Hover and drag. Parent-child (solid gray), spouse (dashed blue), and killed by (solid black arrow) relationships shown. Based on an HBO infographic.
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Which characters have sex?
Hover and drag. Based on a Cool Material infographic.
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Actor Relationships
Which actors have been in movies with other Game of Thrones actors?
Scroll down. Data last pulled following Season 7.
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... or as a matrix?
Scroll down and right. Data last pulled following Season 7. Based on Mike Bostock's Les Misérables Co-occurrence.
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Lands of Ice and Fire Geography
I hadn't yet done much with the list of locations shown during the opening sequence of Game of Thrones. For this, I really wanted to be able to show the places on a map of Westeros, Essos, Sothyros, and Ulthos. To do that, I built upon what others had done, but converted a .png to .svg to .geojson. More on that below.
Is there a pattern in the opening locations?
Drag and select. Based on heybignick's d3 v4 force-directed graph.
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Could I show them in geographic space?
Select. Based on the A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki geography.
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What about on a globe?
Drag and zoom. Adapted from Jason Davies' "Rotate the World".
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The opening sequences could look like this?
Choose the episode you'd like to show. Adapted from Andrew Mollica's "World Tour along Flying Arcs".
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... or this?
Choose the episode you'd like to show. Adapted from Andrew Mollica's "World Tour along Flying Arcs".
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Where have various characters travelled?
Choose the character you'd like to show. Adapted from Andrew Mollica's "World Tour along Flying Arcs".
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Who will end up on the Iron Throne?
I'll write more about this one in the future, but this is a scatter plot of the slope and y-intercept of the linear regression of screen time per episode (see above) for each character. I've then unscientifically grouped the characters and labeled each group.
Putting a line in the sand now: I think Tyrion will be there in the end (first of his name).
Hover and/or choose the character you'd like to show. Adapted from Harry Stevens's Linear Regression for Scatter Plot.
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The GitHub repository for this project has the data files used to make these visualizations. Code for each is also on GitHub, and a description of the project is on Medium:
Comments and suggestions are welcome on GitHub, Medium, or here.
h/t to Jason Davies for the clean style of this page.